I have been a busy bee lately, doing my homework and such for a few big tickets.
1. I need a new car. I have waited to buy one until I was officially in the need category and not in the want category. I am genetically cheap. I would like to say thrifty, but that isn't it. I like a deal and I hate parting with cash.
2. I have been scoping out wedding facilities. Yeah, I am finally hitchin' my wagon to Sweetheart. It has only taken us forever. I am waiting on a meeting/confirmation on the church and then I can book, but I want to be prepared. I have learned a few things: a. weddings are ridiculously expensive for the wedding that I want b. I think I might be a bridezilla because I really don't know what I want, but I am sure snippy about it.
I notice a few things about doing these tasks. For one, I have bitten my nails down to stumps. I am not sleeping like I should. I have slept through my alarm or did the 'sat dazed' on the couch to the last minute. I am just flustered by these life-changing issues. It has also once again made me put the breaks on another big ticket item: school. It is important and I need to do it. I just instill avoiding behavior.
So, for my fitness this week: 2x at the trainer, but no running thus far. This half is not going to run itself. There is a 5k in my town this weekend. I think I might punish myself with it.
As for eating: I am doing OK. I did have a 3 slice pizza lunch and a digression with Chinese food this week. As well, I went to the movies and smuggled in some
Australian strawberry licorice. I am absolutely addicted. OK, so now that I write this, maybe I am not OK. Maybe I am pushing it. I didn't feel guilt at the time, but this confession sure is getting to me!
You might have noticed I haven't posted my weight in a few weeks. No real reason for not doing this, but being distracted. I feel like I haven't given it my all, and I guess I haven't felt like showing the non-movement of my numbers as a result. Monday's weigh in will be posted, I promise.
I haven't completely melted down yet, but the pressure sure is mounting. I worry I am headed for a disaster. Surely, if I was where I was last December and tried to to these things, I think I would be in a coma. Thanks for listening and being my outlet today. Off to test-drive some cars. At least this part should be fun!
*image stresswaived.com